Srirampur, India to Soledad, Colombia
Time Difference
IST (India Standard Time) is 10 hours and 30 minutes ahead of
6:00 am06:00 in Srirampur, India is 7:30 pm19:30 in Soledad, Colombia
Srirampur to Soledad call time
Best time for a conference call or a meeting is between 6pm-8pm in Srirampur which corresponds to 7:30am-9:30am in Soledad
6:00 am06:00 IST (India Standard Time) (Srirampur, India). Offset UTC +5:30 hours
7:30 pm19:30 (Soledad, Colombia). Offset UTC -5:00 hours
6:00 am06:00 Srirampur, India / 7:30 pm19:30 Soledad, Colombia
Srirampur, India | Soledad, Colombia |
12am (midnight) | 1:30 pm |
1am | 2:30 pm |
2am | 3:30 pm |
3am | 4:30 pm |
4am | 5:30 pm |
5am | 6:30 pm |
6am | 7:30 pm |
7am | 8:30 pm |
8am | 9:30 pm |
9am | 10:30 pm |
10am | 11:30 pm |
11am | 12:30 am |
12pm (noon) | 1:30 am |
1pm | 2:30 am |
2pm | 3:30 am |
3pm | 4:30 am |
4pm | 5:30 am |
5pm | 6:30 am |
6pm | 7:30 am |
7pm | 8:30 am |
8pm | 9:30 am |
9pm | 10:30 am |
10pm | 11:30 am |
11pm | 12:30 pm |
0:00 | 13:30 |
1:00 | 14:30 |
2:00 | 15:30 |
3:00 | 16:30 |
4:00 | 17:30 |
5:00 | 18:30 |
6:00 | 19:30 |
7:00 | 20:30 |
8:00 | 21:30 |
9:00 | 22:30 |
10:00 | 23:30 |
11:00 | 0:30 |
12:00 | 1:30 |
13:00 | 2:30 |
14:00 | 3:30 |
15:00 | 4:30 |
16:00 | 5:30 |
17:00 | 6:30 |
18:00 | 7:30 |
19:00 | 8:30 |
20:00 | 9:30 |
21:00 | 10:30 |
22:00 | 11:30 |
23:00 | 12:30 |
Srirampur Information
Time Zone
Abbreviation / Name
IST - India Standard Time
UTC / GMT Offset
+5:30 hours during India Standard Time, currently in use.
Srirampur Facts
Alternative Names
Srirampur, Srirāmpur
Rupee (INR)
Geographic Coordinates
22° 56' N Latitude / 88° 01' E Longitude
International Dialing Code
Soledad Information
Time Zone
Abbreviation / Name
-05 -
COT - Colombia Time
COT - Colombia Time
UTC / GMT Offset
-5:00 hours during , currently in use.
-5:00 hours during Colombia Time.
-5:00 hours during Colombia Time.
Daylight Saving Time Change
0:00 hours - DST is NOT in use
Daylight Saving Time Starts
Also called Spring Forward or Summer Time.
Daylight Saving Time Ends
Also called Fall Back or switch to Winter Time.
Soledad Facts
Alternative Names
Peso (COP)
Geographic Coordinates
10° 55' N Latitude / 74° 45' W Longitude
International Dialing Code